New Beginnings History - A New Beginning

In the fall of 1992, after much prayer, it was decided that the future of First Church of God was dependent upon the calling of a full-time pastor and efforts to plant a new church in the present facility.

The people made a decision to partner with our Western PA Kingdom Builders and completely trust God to do a miracle and revitalize this congregation to the glory of God.

Pastor Harold Ferraro was called in February 1993, along with Pastor Bill Sandstrom as his Associate. On March 21, 1993 a DREAM was born with 55 in attendance and a Worship Team of 6.

By the end of year one, the church was averaging 125 people and added a second Worship Service. The Sunday School was expanded, a youth group organized and The Counseling Centre was opened under the direction of Pastor Cindy Kightlinger.

By the end of year two, the church was averaging around 180 people and added a third Worship Service on Saturday evenings. God was so faithful in allowing us to share His gospel of love with many people. The staff was burning out fast and every square inch of the building was being used. It was time to expand our facility or stop growing.

On June 21, 1998 with the congregation averaging 385 in attendance, they relocated to the corner of Shartle & Leslie Roads, building a 15,300 square foot Family Life Center. God has continued to add His blessing and we are presently averaging 900 in attendance and launched a church plant in Vernon Township in October 2002, Cornerstone Church of God.

In January 1996, we launched our FULFILLING THE DREAM Capital Stewardship Campaign. Our miracle goal for this campaign was to raise $175,000 over a three-year period. Little did we know how miraculously God was going to work in our midst. Miracle after miracle began to happen as God did exceedingly more than we could have ever dreamed.

We exceeded our miracle goal of $175,000 and on February 10, 1996 we received 95 commitments totaling $235,000. But God wasn’t done yet over the 3-year period we actually received $310,000.

In July 1996, 73 acres of property became available at the corner of Shartle and Leslie Roads for $125,000 and the church voted to purchase the property and relocate.

Because of our continued growth, we needed to add a fourth worship service and to expand our counseling services. In February 1997, we added a full-time Associate, Pastor Gregg Giles, to do counseling, expand our Youth Ministry and begin a fourth worship service of a contemporary style.

In August 1997, the building plans were finalized for a downsized version of the original plan costing approximately $800,000 with volunteer help. After being turned down by several banks, Steve White, our contractor, talked to the Mercer County State Bank in Sandy Lake, PA. They would loan us $700,000, but we would need to raise an additional $100,000 before closing.

Two persons stepped forward and anonymously loaned us $100,000 (interest free). We had enough! Praise God for His faithfulness!

In November 1997, we broke ground and on June 21, 1998, we marched to our new facility and celebrated God’s fulfillment of His DREAM to expand our facilities!

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