Current Series : Life's Healing Choices

okThe Bible says in Proverbs 29:23 "Pride ruins people."  What is the cure?  The cure is what we're going to look at for the next several weeks as we look at the Beatitudes Jesus starts the Sermon on the Mount by saying, "I'm going to tell you several ways to be blessed."  What in the world is a blessing?  The word "blessing" or "bless" literally is the word which means in Greek "happy."  To be blessed means to be supremely happy.  So Jesus in his most famous Sermon on the Mount starts off by saying, I want to tell you several ways to be happy.  Join us as we look at what this means in our lives.

Download sermon The Adoption Choice (Feb 12/13, 2011) mp3 download or listen now:

Download sermon The Reality Choice - February 19/20, 2011

Download sermon The Hope Choice - February 26/27, 2011


Remaining Sermons

March 05/06 - The Commitment Choice
March 12/13 - The Housecleaning Choice
March 19/20 - A Call to Purity Weekend*
March 26/27 - The Transformation Choice
April 02/03 - The Relationship Choice
April 09/10 - The Growth Choice
April 16/17 - The Sharing Choice
April 24 - Believe - Easter 2011*

*Not a part of the sermon series

Next sermon series: Building Families that Last (May)
