Recent Sermons at
New Beginnings Church of God -

Shaped to Make a Difference

In this series we are going to be looking at the second letter Paul wrote to the Corinthians and what that teaches us about ministry and the way that we should approach it. It will challenge us to develop a pure heart of ministry.

November 6/7 - Why God Shaped You The Way He Did November 13/14 - Unwrapping Your Spiritual Gifts
November 20/21 - Ministry Requires Maturity*
November 27/28 - Following Your Heart
December 04/05 - Using Your Abilities
December 11/12 - The Purpose of Your Personality
December 18/19 - Employing Your Experiences

*Sermon is not part of the current sermon series

Christmas Series:

December 24 - When God Messes Up Your Plans
December 26 - Real Christmas

Next sermon series is: Just Walk Across the Room (January)

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