Staff at New Beginnings Church of God

Harold Ferraro - Senior Pastor

"All of my life I always believed there was a God but I was always afraid of what would happen if I committed my life to Him.  Shortly after I was married, my wife Barb committed her life to Christ and tried everything imaginable to get me to give my heart to Christ.  All of her evangelistic attempts only served to drive me further away from God.  I was a good husband, a great father, a good provider for my family and as I looked at other Christians I knew how they lived their lives I was convinced I lived a better life than they did.  Finally my wife backed off in her zeal and just decided to love me where I was and trust God to change my hardened heart.

In April of 1979 at a “Watchman Concert and Crusade” at Deckards UMC outside of Cochranton, the evangelist was preaching on the father’s role in the family and he called for all fathers to come forward with their children and dedicate themselves to their roles as fathers.  I had no intention of going up but my son insisted and he just kept getting louder and louder----“Come on Dad we have to go up.”  So I took his hand and went forward, not to give my life to Christ but just to shut my son up.  As I was standing there looking down on my four year old son God stripped away all of my excuses and I committed my life to Him.  A year later I was called by God to be a Pastor and as the saying goes, the rest is history.  God is patient and He never gives up on us.  I praise His name!"

Harold graduated from Anderson School of Theology with a Masters of Divinity degree. Ordained in 1986, Harold has served God in full-time ministry for over 20 years.

His love for souls gives him a heart for vision and it is that love and vision that have driven the ministry and direction of New Beginnings.

Through Basic Training KNOW GOD, many have come to know God and His purpose for the church. Harold's passion is to see people come to know Christ in a relevant way, a way that changes their lives and causes them to love and serve God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. He continues to pursue his education in the areas of church planting and church growth and believes that God wants every church to grow both spiritually and in numbers.


Since: 1993
Family: Husband to Barbara, Father to James and Krista, Grandfather to Elliott, Brother to 3 sisters and 5 brothers.
Favorite Food: Pasta
Favorite Movie: "It's a Wonderful Life
Favorite Book: "Come Share the Being"

"This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it."
Isaiah 30:15

email Pastor Ferraro
